VIP Coaching

VIP Experience

Do you absolutely have to get your book done? Maybe you have a big speaking engagement ahead. Or maybe you’ve just been thinking about your book for far too long. Or perhaps you’ve had clients, publishers, or others practically begging you to write your book.

If time is of the essence and you want to get serious about it, then Cathy’s VIP Experience is the package for you.

You’ll begin the process by first working with Cathy, in person or by telephone or webinar, for a three hour meeting to gain clarity on your project: purpose/goals, thesis, integration with business plan, target market, key word outline, project plan, and timeline.

You’ll meet with Cathy in her city of Punta Gorda, Florida, in your home city, or in a location mutually agreed upon (or the meeting can also be virtual) for this two- or three-day experience. You’ll benefit from writing exercises and activities, plus focused writing time to near completion with your manuscript.
If interested, you can also combine this coaching with one-on-one coaching or group coaching.

Kudos for Cathy’s VIP Experience

I am delighted to share my thoughts about my recent 3-day VIP Writing Experience with Cathy.  As an author embarking on my second book, UNBRANDED:  Emerge a Brand New You, I found the experience motivational, inspirational and very productive.  I made remarkable progress and hit the goals I had going into the collaborative session. Throughout our time together, Cathy provided valuable insights, guidance and feedback.  She helped spark new ideas while keeping me focused on what we had set out to accomplish.
I worked with Cathy on my debut book, Out of the Gate:  What inspires you drives you forward.  During that time, she was instrumental in shaping my storytelling writing style and author voice. We were able to build on those fundamentals during the VIP experience.  Her continued encouragement and support has taken my writing to new heights I couldn’t have reached alone.
I wholeheartedly recommend Cathy to any author seeking a transformative and inspiring journey towards creating their best work.
Henrietta Pepper


I highly recommend Cathy’s VIP one-on-one coaching experience. It was intense and productive. The physical surroundings were compatible with creativity, but more than that, Cathy was focused on structure and really moving the book along. In two days my book increased by 8000 words. The end result was my first draft!

Cathy picked up on when I was slowing down my creative juices and she knew to throw in some writing prompts. It was the perfect balance of pushing, prodding, and pulling me through the experience.

Just like any good athlete counts on their personal trainer– I had Cathy urging me on to my personal best. She is a personal trainer worth every dime for her wisdom and insight. She was all in on making my first book come to life.

Diane E. Ferguson