Having a signature program is the key to expanding your business beyond the model of working with clients one-on-one.
In this workshop you’ll learn how to organize your book into offerings that meet your tribe’s needs and desires. We’ll pinpoint where your expertise, passion, and strengths intersect with your ideal clients’ needs in order to create a signature program or product that best represents what you have to offer.
You’ll learn how to translate and organize your brilliant ideas (what you’re already doing so successfully with your clients) into a signature program that can be offered in a multitude of ways and to more than one client at a time.
Using your book to create a signature program your clients will love will allow you to reach more of your ideal clients (and therefore enroll more clients into your packages), make the leap from 1-on-1 client work (and make more money in fewer hours per week), and create programs that will have your ideal clients saying YES! to working with you.