Take the Pledge: Write Your Book in 2024


You want to write your book and get it completed in 2024…so what’s your plan?
Attend this five-day writing challenge to get clarity on your plan and put that plan into action!

Book coach Cathy Fyock has used her Writers Pledge to inspire authors globally to get their books written by acknowledging their most common challenges and the work it takes to overcome them. Each day of the challenge will focus on one aspect of the Pledge, offering exercises and strategies to move forward.

In these sessions, you won’t be just talking about writing—you will be writing! Through Cathy’s carefully crafted exercises, you’ll gain insights and perspectives on your content and writing process.

Dates: Monday – Friday, February 19 – 23
Each day 4 – 5 pm Eastern

The investment is just $179, and is only $129 when you register before February 1st!



You want to write your book and get it completed in 2024…so what’s your plan?
Attend this five-day writing challenge to get clarity on your plan and put that plan into action!

Book coach Cathy Fyock has used her Writers Pledge to inspire authors globally to get their books written by acknowledging their most common challenges and the work it takes to overcome them. Each day of the challenge will focus on one aspect of the Pledge, offering exercises and strategies to move forward.

In these sessions, you won’t be just talking about writing—you will be writing! Through Cathy’s carefully crafted exercises, you’ll gain insights and perspectives on your content and writing process.

Dates: Monday – Friday, February 19 – 23
Each day 4 – 5 pm Eastern

The investment is just $179, and is only $129 when you register before February 1st!


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