The Apple Report: Diary of a Public School Board Member with Dr. Karen Hiltz

The Apple Report is a must read for people seeking to make change in an education system that needs to be relevant, applicable, and provide quality for children in the 21st century. This first-hand sharing of experiences, challenges, and attempting to function in an environment where change is not welcome is eye opening. These accounts bring to the forefront that …

Leading hArtfully: The Art of Leading Through Your Heart to Discover the Best in Others with Diane Rogers

Most leadership development books teach readers “how to lead,” but for acclaimed leadership coach and consultant Diane Rogers, that’s not enough. In her debut book, Leading hArtfully: The Art of Leading Through Your Heart to Discover the Best in Others, she shines a light on what’s missing from a leadership strategy that draws upon a conventional authoritarian “leader-as-expert” focus and …

Addicted to Perfect with Vitale Buford

Author Vitale Buford spent nearly three decades of her life in the web of perfection. The roots of her perfection were born in her childhood – she had a dysfunctional home-life fraught with alcoholism, workaholism and shame. This combination created an environment of neglect, where the only way Vitale got attention was to be perfect. She was praised for being …

Welcome to My Life: A Personal Parenting Journey Through Autism with Laurie Hellmann

Welcome to My Life shares the 14-year journey of a true warrior mom advocating for her non-verbal, severely autistic son from diagnosis through his teenage years. This brutally honest and heartwarming account details the daily struggles and often lack of social understanding that families face when raising a child who relies on parental assistance for every need. Experience the laughter …

Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn: Lessons from Toyota Leader Isao Yoshino on a Lifetime of Continuous Learning with Katie Anderson

If you’ve ever been mentored — in business or in life — by someone whose words, experiences, and perspectives changed you for the better, you know that an entire book of such selfless generosity and deep wisdom could change the world. For today’s business professionals — dedicated to continuous learning and people-centered leadership — this is that book. Learning to …

The Case for Choice: One-Size-Fits-All, An Outdated Education Model for the 21st Century with Dr. Karen Hiltz

Readers will be amazed, relieved, and shocked as they read these true stories from individuals and the educational experiences they encountered. Not only are the stories unique and compelling, but also each one provides a perspective only they can give based on situations encountered in the state they reside. In addition, the author provides insight and opinions based on her …