Mastering the Art of Storytelling with NSA Legend Lou Heckler: An Exclusive Interview with Cathy Fyock

Join us for an enlightening Master Class where NSA legend Lou Heckler, renowned for his captivating storytelling and profound insights, is interviewed by Cathy Fyock. In this exclusive session, Lou will delve into the intricacies of storytelling, sharing his vast experience and unique techniques that have mesmerized audiences for decades and earned him the CPAE Award of Excellence. Discover the …

The Desire to Write

“If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing, then the desire is not to write” ― Hugh Prather, Notes to Myself: My Struggle to Become a Person I disagree with Mr. Prather! I know that some of you desire to write because you want to grow your business, to become a thought leader, to expand your influence, …

Adding Characters in Your Nonfiction Book

“Do I really need characters in my nonfiction book?” Only if you want to engage your readers! Characters are pivotal in your stories, case studies, and examples–the vehicles in which you engage the reader and allow the abstract message to become real and tangible. Characters are the players in your stories about your clients, colleagues, and about you; they are …

Anything worth doing is worth doing. Period.

It’s been said that anything worth doing is worth doing well, or, that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly, but I suggest that anything worth doing is worth doing. Period. Were you great at anything the first time you attempted a new task? It’s unlikely. Did any of the great Masters paint a masterpiece when they first sat down to …

Writing Around the Write Space

White space is negative space. The part left blank. The space between the elements. In the graphic arts, white space is an integral component of the design. In music, the rests between the notes creates space and clarity. In speaking, the use of the pause allows the listener to grasp the punchline or the moral of the story. And so …