How Authors Can Deliver Magic Through Visual Storytelling with John DeMato

Tuesday, July 23, 2:00 pm Eastern

I’m so sorry that I was unable to host the June Master Class with John DeMato! My Internet was out the entire day, and I was unable to send a notice to those who registered. Because I had set up the meeting to go forward without me (it’s my standard setting), John was able to be on the call and address questions, with the idea that we would reschedule. Many thanks to John who did an amazing job fielding questions and offering great value! Can’t wait for the program in July!


Do you want your author photos to tell your story, to establish your brand, and to influence others? Please join this Master Class, when Cathy Fyock interviews the amazing John DeMato in this one hour program.

To register for this one-hour Master Class, follow this link.

Everyone who registers for the class will receive a link to the recording.

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